Zero Cost Self Publishing and How to Get It
Self publishing can actually cost you little or nothing! In fact, if you're paying to self-publish your book, you're missing out on an incredibly valuable resource to make your book a winner.
Ever heard of product placement in movies? The star walks into the kitchen, opens the refrigerator door and pulls out a can of Coke. The concept had it's modern beginnings when E.T. was lured from his hiding place with Reece's Pieces. And it reached its zenith in the movie Castaway (the whole film could have been seen as a subtle infomercial for FedEx). Corporations pay money for that sort of stuff. And you can understand why. It's the equivalent of an endorsement of the product by the star or the movie itself.
How can you do that with your self-published book? It's not difficult. I know one author who wrote a book on business etiquette and mentioned several specific business machines. Before she self published the book, she went to the manufacturer, let the director of marketing know about the product placement and asked if they'd like to sponsor the publication of the book. They did.
Another author wrote a romance that took place on a wonderful Caribbean island nation. She sent the manuscript to the director of tourism and asked if they'd like to either sponsor the publication of the book, or buy 3,000 copies for $10,000. They chose the later, but $10,000 underwrote the entire press run of 6,000 copies. The author got 3,000 copies of her book for free!
In each case, the author asked the sponsor or buyer for only one condition. The self-published books the sponsors received for their financial involvement could only be either given away free, or sold for the full cover price. That way, the author was never undercut on price.
Would major companies, government agencies and other large entities really want to be involved with your self-published book? Hey, if you take a look at the cost of advertising, the cost of self-publishing a book is cheap! $20,000 for a single page in a national magazine. And then you come along and give them a promotional tool that has the legitimacy and the integrity of a published book, at a price that's almost insignificant when compared to their total annual budget.
These steps will make it easy for you.
Make sure your book is complete, but in manuscript form.
Make a list of 20 companies that could benefit from the topic, direction, setting, entertainment value, or information your book has. Make one copy of your manuscript and insert specific product placement throughout the book. By product placement, I mean specific products, or specific strategies that some companies use, or locations, or whatever you think puts the idea of the product before the reader.
Source: Free Articles
About the Author
Steve Manning is a master writer showing thousands of people how they can write their book faster than they ever thought possible. Here's your free Special Report,
Start Small Finish BIG in Self Publishing
You may have never considered self-publishing as an option for your book or even considered publishing at all for your work. Publishing a book is extremely effective in broadcasting your message, ministry, or organization. A book gives you the ability to thoroughly inform, educate, and inspire your audience on what you are teaching. A book also adds another very lucrative stream of income to your organization that will enhance your existing ones.
Now that your interest is peaked about the power of writing a book, you may directly go to thinking "who should I go with: Random House or Nelson Publishing?" Who said that you would be able to go the traditional route in the first place? Traditional publishers only publish about a dozen to 50 books a year while they receive 1000's of book proposals from would be authors every single month. Do you see how the two don't equal a book deal for you any time soon?
But take heart, many of the greatest writers of time past up to today have been self-published authors. Check out this list of names to see if self-publishing could be profitable for you:
WEB Dubois, Ken Blanchard, Benjamin Franklin, Earnest Hemingway, Spencer King, Edgar Allen Poe, William Strunk, Henry David Thoreau, Mark Twain, T.D. Jakes, and Walt Whitman.
This is some list, huh? What makes the difference is not whether you get a book deal with a traditional publisher or self-publish, the difference is within you. You have to determine how successful you will be and what legacy you will leave to the world after you. I wouldn't let the rejection that you'll get from traditional publishing companies stop me from being successful if I were you. I know because my wife and I didn't let that stop us. We self-published our book and started marketing, promoting, and speaking to teach our message to the world. We have found this to be a great way to get our message out and reach people.
You should definitely consider self-publishing as the road that will lead you to where you are trying to go. Do your research on different Self- Publishing companies and get your work out there.
Source: Free Articles
About the Author
Anthony Obey is the owner of GMA Publishing providing book publishing and marketing services to Writers, Pastors, Leaders, and Speakers. At you can also sign up for Book Coaching and order your copy of the new book called, Start Small Finish BIG in Self-Publishing. Anthony is also the creator and co-compiler of the national women's inspirational book series called, Refined by Fire. Learn more at now!